Tips for Moving to Virginia Beach

For good reason, beaches have always captured the hearts and minds of people everywhere. There’s something about watching the tide roll in and out and smelling the ocean air that relaxes and mesmerizes us. Beaches, almost magically, provide us with those few precious moments when all of life’s cares seem to melt away. So it’s no wonder you’ve been thinking of relocating to the Virginia Beach area. Well, those of us already out here enjoying the sun and the ocean can’t wait to have you here with us. Here are a few tips to prepare you for your Virginia Beach move.

Virginia Beach is Big – Virginia Beach has, in the past, been noted by Guinness World Records as having the longest pleasure beach in the country, but that’s just the beach. The city itself is a lot bigger than many people think, encompassing a total land area of almost 500 square miles. It’s important to remember that just because you’re buying property in the city doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be in walking distance of the beach.

Neighborhoods – Plan your move far enough ahead of time that you can do some Google searching to find the right neighborhood. Virginia Beach is a beautiful, lively city, all parts of which have something to offer. Still, since you will be living here, you’ll want to make sure that where you live is compatible with who you are. For example, Resort Strip is the part of town where you’ll find the boardwalk, gift shops and many nightspots because it’s the part of town most easily accessed by tourists. If you think you’ll want something a bit quieter, try Sandbridge. It still has eateries and clubs but lacks many of the hotels that attract the hustle and bustle that accompanies tourism.

Register Your Vehicle – This is something you’ll want to take care of as soon as you’re done unpacking. The laws for registering a vehicle in Virginia may seem a bit foreign to you, especially if you’re coming from the Midwest, where cars do not need to pass emissions tests. In Virginia you must register your vehicle within 30 days of moving to the state in order to avoid a fee and your car must pass an emissions inspection before it can be registered.

The Beach is Good for Your Health – You probably don’t need a lot of incentive to spend time at the beach once your move is complete, but we’ll give you some anyway. Did you know that the beach is actually great for your health? Breathing in ocean air is great for your sinuses and skin and can help relieve allergies. The sand is a great, natural way to scrub dead skin cells off of your body. Sun exposure can help the body to produce more vitamin D naturally, which can help prevent cancer, just remember to use sunscreen.

We know that you will find yourself having a great time here in Virginia Beach. Once you get settled after your move, you’ll quickly come to love all of the benefits that come with living in this beautiful beach town.