Whether you’re moving across the street or across the country, it’s important to pay attention to details and get things done efficiently. But remembering everything can often be difficult in the rush, excitement, and stress of the moving process. While having a plan is key, knowing these shortcuts and hacks can make your life a whole lot easier.
Stay organized by using color codes to remind movers (and yourself!) where boxes and other items will go in your new home. Worried about hooking up that pricey TV all over again? A few photos can make rewiring a breeze. Read on for 5 tips that are sure to eliminate time-consuming hassles during your next move.
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The anticipation and excitement of moving to a new home or a new city is hard to beat, but schlepping your stuff from Point A to Point B can be a hassle if you’re doing it wrong. Win the moving process by following a few simple steps that will save time and have you feeling smarter than your friends.
For Post-Move Necessities, Have a “Clear” View
Save time and headaches by placing items you’ll need first in a clear plastic bin or storage box. The last thing you’ll want to do is dig around in all of your moving boxes for that one item you’ll need right away. By putting your most important necessities in one or two clear plastic boxes, you can do a quick visual check and then grab what you need.
Take Photos of the Back of Your TV
You don’t need a photographic memory to properly rewire your high-priced electronics after a move, but you do need a photograph. A few days before the movers haul your stuff away, take some quality photos of the wiring at the back of your HDTV. Once your new place is ready for some entertainment, just look at the photos to know where all of those pesky wires are meant to go.
Color Code Your Move
Your items are carefully packed and have arrived with the moving truck. But what’s their destination once you or the movers step inside? As you’re packing, attach colored labels to all of your moving boxes based on the room they’ll go in. Once you arrive at your new place, hang color-coded signs above the doorway of each room. When you or the movers are bringing in boxes, everyone will know right where to go.
Moving? There’s an app for that!
Embrace technology during your next move. Try a moving app that can organize things like packing lists and other important information so it’s never out of your reach. One popular iPhone app is Moving List.
Earn Money While You Move
Plan ahead to list valuable items you no longer need or don’t want cluttering your new place on sites like eBay or Craigslist. Things take time to sell, so snap photos and post listing at least 6 weeks before moving day. It may not pay for your move, but you could earn some extra cash to spend on your new digs.